Duke University Chapel (Memorial Chapel)

Durham, Durham, North Carolina, United States


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Intended as a place for reflection and prayer, the Memorial Chapel is closed to tourists and separated from the rest of the Chapel by large iron gates. Along the left wall, the University\'s benefactors —Washington Duke and his two sons, James B. Duke and Benjamin N. Duke — are entombed in three 30-ton, white Carrara marble sarcophagi. Several important people of Duke University are interred in the crypt directly beneath the Memorial Chapel, including three Presidents of the University: William Preston Few (1924-1940), Julian Deryl Hart (1960-1963) with his wife Mary Johnson Hart, and Terry Sanford (1969-1985) with his wife Margaret Rose Sanford. The wife of James B. Duke, Nanaline Holt Duke, is also buried in the crypt, along with James A. Thomas, Chairman of the Duke Memorial Association, and James T. Cleland, former Dean of Duke Chapel, with his wife Alice Mead Cleland.
Duke University Chapel (Memorial Chapel), Created by SamuelTaylorGeer, Durham, Durham, North Carolina, United States