Parowan City Cemetery

Parowan, Iron, Utah, United States


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Historical cemetery that dates back to 1851 when the city of Parowan was settled, and continues to be an active cemetery today, adding 30-35 residents annually. Many of its earliest settlers are buried here; some who crossed the plains during the Mormon migration. These pioneers are marked with a bronze plaque engraved with "Faith in Every Footstep." On Memorial Day, a flag is flown from each veteran grave. You will see the cemetery on your way up Parowan Canyon, on Hwy 143. It is surrounded by a historical stone wall, with a stone archway at its entrance. There is a computer kiosk and a QR code to scan upon arrival to search for locations of graves.
Parowan City Cemetery, Created by BillionGraves, Parowan, Iron, Utah, United States